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This book a study book and includes certainly almost for 75% the whole system described and has been represented with clear pictures of exercises ‘till the basis. The use of elimination techniques and weapon techniques is extended represented and shown. The only thing is that this book is in the Dutch language but the pictures speaks for them selves. Do you want to know more concerning the contents of the book, click then on INDEX1
With more than 900 pictures and explanation of techniques, movements, basis exercises, inner strength exercises, elimination techniques and weapons is this book a unique treasure of value for martial artist. The author, himself an expert in the field of several fighting arts wants to guarantee the existence of this unique hard and powerful style. At the same time he wants transmit clearly that philosophy and mental aspects that stand parallel to the universal process of life. Finding the right way and its own identity in life, which is for everyone possible and it has been not only put aside for gurus and masters. The author wishes everyone love, light and a bright development and hopes that everyone knows how to accept the loving strength and support, which there always is and find its true way in life.

E-mailaddress: website@kuntao-kwitang.nl

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